- Cassell, Kay, Tsuma, Clive, Nerisa Kamar 2021 The Government Information Landscape and Libraries IFLA Professional Reports; No. 137
- Tsuma, C. K. Tsuma & Mbarika V. W (2013) Understanding the Effects of Information Communication Technology and Politics: A Synthesized Analysis of Political Participation in Kenya, In Media Role in African Changing Electoral Process: A Political Communication Perspective, Eds. C. Nwokeafor and K. Langmia, University Press of America.
- Clive Tsuma (August 14, 2023): New Muni Service Changes Start Saturday, August 19. San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA)
- Clive Tsuma (July 27, 2023): Updated Muni Service as Students Return to School. San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA)
- Clive Tsuma, (June 8, 2023): More Muni Service Changes Coming June 10. San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA)
- Clive Tsuma, (May 23, 2023): June 10 Muni Service Changes Add Service on Connector Routes. San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA)
- Clive Tsuma , (April 25, 2023): SFMTA Retires the Orion, First Hybrid Bus in Cleanest Transit Fleet. San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA)
- Clive Tsuma, (April 3, 2021), The Fate of a Nation Under the Grip of Tribal Supremacy.
- Mayoka, K. G., Tsuma, C. K., & Mbarika, V. (2021). PDF Cognitive Factors and Health Behaviors of Social Media Users in Sub-Saharan Africa. International Journal of Technology and Management, 6(1), 1-25.
- Kimuli, S.N., Orobia, L.A., Sabi, H.M., & Tsuma, C.K. (2020). Sustainability intention: mediator of sustainability behavioral control and sustainable entrepreneurship. World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development.
- Humphrey M. Sabi, Faith-Micheal E. Uzoka, Kehbuma, Langmia, Felix, Njeh, Clive K. Tsuma. (2018) “A cross-country model of contextual factors impacting cloud computing adoption at universities in Sub-Saharan Africa” Springer Science Business Media
- Ngatchu Damen Nyinkeu, Clive K. Tsuma and Ngatchu Henry (2016), A Project-Based Teaching for Information Technology Students in Africa: A case report. International Journal of Technology and Learning ISSN 1551- 2576
- Samali V. Mlay Clive K. Tsuma, Humphrey M. Sabi, Kehbuma Langmia, (2015) Uncovering Reading Habits of University Students in Uganda: Does ICT matter? International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology (IJEDICT), Vol. 11, Issue 2, pp. 38-50 Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce
- Francis B. Osang, Nchise, Abinwi and Clive Tsuma (2015), Reviewing Information Systems Usage and Performance Models. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 6 (1), 2015, 476-484
- Sabi, H.M., Mlay, S.V., Tsuma, C.K., & Bang, D.H. (2015). Conceptualizing User Preference and Trust in Western Designed Banking Software Systems in Developing Countries. The Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, 20.
- Tsuma, C.K., Sabi, H.M., Bang, D.H., & Mlay, S.V. (2014). Use of Western Designed Software Packages in Developing Countries: Implications for Their Effectiveness in a Different Context. A paper presented at the 6th Annual International Conference on ICT for Africa 2014, on how information and communications technology (ICT) can be used for sustainable development in Africa.
- Francis Osang, Dr. Nchise Abinwi and Dr. Clive Tsuma (2014) Extending the Technology-to- Performance Chain Model for e-Assessment Usage and Performance. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 6 (1) , 2015, 476-484
- Samali. Mlay; Clive Tsuma, Humphrey Sabi; Kehbuma Langmia; Victor W.A. Mbarika, Mayoka Kituyi. (2014) Towards An Improved Reading Habit Of University Students: The Impact Of ICT. International Conference on ICT for Africa 2014 1-4th October, The ICT University, Yaounde, Cameroon
- Lakisha L. Simmons, Irene Mbarika, Victor W. Mbarika, Carlos A. Thomas, Clive Tsuma, Tamiara L. Wade, and DerKirra Wilkerson (2011) TeleEducation Initiatives for Sub- Saharan Africa: The Case of The African Virtual University in Kenya. Journal of STEM Education Volume 12 · Issue 5 & 6
- Kifle, M., Mbarika, V.W., Tsuma, C.K., Wilkerson, D., & Tan, J.K. (2008). A TeleMedicine Transfer Model for Sub-Saharan Africa. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2008), 244-244.